Covering all of London and Surrey for home massage

Sports Massage Weybridge

We cover all of London & Surrey

Felling stressed?

Need to relax?

Want some me time?

Feeling inflexible?

Book a massage with us today

Reasons to have a sports massage

Helps prevent injury
Helps speed up recovery from an Injury
Helps decrease muscular pain
Helps improve muscle tone and function

Contact us today for a sports massage

We also offer home and outdoor Personal Training services

All Specialist Areas

Home Training

Outdoor Personal Training

Nutritional Advice

Personal Trainer Health Assessment



In the comfort of your home, office our massage therapists will meet you at your preferred location.

reliable & flexible

We are reliable & flexible

We will be on time and can be completely flexible with your time frame.

People icon

Cater to all

Perfect for anyone & everyone from any age.

Custom Massage

Customised massage

Talk to us about your pain and any problems you maybe having. We can tailor your massage to your exact needs.

Sports and relaxation

Relaxation or sports massage

We specialise in both sports and relaxation massage therapy.

We offer sports massage & relaxation massage around all of Surrey and London. If you are stuck for time and would like one of our massage therapists to come to you then get in touch to discuss further.

Why does sports massage help improve performance

Unlocking Your Peak Performance: The Magic of Sports Massage

At My Home Personal Trainer (MHPT), we understand that achieving peak performance is the goal of every athlete and fitness enthusiast. That’s why we’ve harnessed the power of sports massage Weybridge to elevate your performance levels and help you reach new heights in your fitness journey. So, why does sports massage play a crucial role in improving performance? Let’s delve into the science behind it.


Our Special Approach: Bringing Fitness to You

At MHPT, we believe that convenience is key to consistency. That’s why we’ve adopted a unique approach – we bring the fitness session to you. No need to battle traffic or rush to a gym. Our certified trainers arrive at your preferred location, whether it’s your home, office, or even a local park. This means that you can focus solely on your workout, without any distractions or delays.


Tailored Sessions, Expertly Designed

Our team of skilled therapists at MHPT takes a personalized approach to designing sports massage Weybridge sessions. We understand that each individual’s body is unique, with specific needs and goals. That’s why our therapists take the time to assess your physical condition, understand your fitness objectives, and pinpoint areas of tension or discomfort. Armed with this knowledge, they craft a sports massage session that targets your specific needs, ensuring maximum benefit and enhanced performance.


Boosting Your Performance Levels

So, how exactly does sports massage improve performance? It’s all about optimizing your body for action. Sports massage Weybridge enhances blood circulation, delivering essential nutrients and oxygen to your muscles. This boost in circulation means that your muscles receive the fuel they need to perform at their peak. What’s more, sports massage helps flush out metabolic waste products, such as lactic acid, which can cause fatigue and hinder performance.

But that’s not all. Sports massage also plays a vital role in preventing injuries. By releasing muscle tension and increasing flexibility, our therapists ensure that your body moves smoothly and efficiently. This reduces the risk of strains, sprains, and other injuries that can set back your progress. With fewer interruptions due to injuries, you’ll be able to maintain a consistent training schedule and make steady gains in your performance levels.


The MHPT Advantage

At MHPT, our mission is simple: to help you unlock your true potential. With our personalized approach, expert therapists, and focus on convenience, we’re here to support your journey towards peak performance. Whether you’re an athlete striving for excellence or an enthusiast pushing your limits, our sports massage Weybridge sessions are designed to propel you forward.

In a world where performance is everything, it’s essential to have every advantage at your disposal. Sports massage isn’t just a luxury – it’s a strategic tool that can give you the edge you need to succeed. Let MHPT be your partner in this journey. Experience the benefits of sports massage, tailored to your needs, and witness the transformation it brings to your performance levels. It’s time to unleash your full potential and achieve the results you’ve been working hard for.

Sport Massage Techniques

Tapotement (Tapping) Technique

Tapotement is a French word which means ‘Tapping’. It includes movements such as hand chopping, cupping and tapping. “Tapotement is a specific technique used in Swedish massage. It is a rhythmic percussion, most frequently administered with the edge of the hand, a cupped hand or the tips of the fingers.” (Source: Wikipedia)

Benefits of the Tapping (Tapotement) Technique:

  • Stimulating nerve endings
  • Aids in decongestion
  • Increase blood flow
  • Toning atrophied muscles
  • Pain relief

Effleurage Technique (to skim)

Effleurage is a technique using a repeated circular stroking movement made with the palm of the hand. defines it as “a massage technique in which long, light strokes are used over areas of the body. The most common areas of the body for effleurage are the arm, back, thigh and calf.

Benefits of the Effleurage Technique:

  • It can stimulate lymphatic drainage
  • Stretches the tissues
  • Help detect the state of the soft tissue
  • It warms, soothes and relaxes the body and mind
  • Slow effleurage calms the nervous system
  • Fast effleurage stimulates the nervous system
  • Reduces tension and muscle tightness
  • Relieves tired and achy muscles

Petrissage Technique (to knead)

Petrissage is a technique that involves kneading the soft tissue. The word petrissage comes from the French and refers to ‘kneading’. The technique may include stretching, squeezing, kneading soft tissue.

Wikipedia defines petrissage as: “… massage movements with applied pressure which are deep and compress the underlying muscles. Kneading, wringing, skin rolling and pick-up-and-squeeze are the petrissage movements. They are all performed with the padded palmar surface of the hand, the surface of the finger and also the thumbs.”

Benefits of the Petrissage Technique:

  • Soft tissue elasticity
  • Muscle waste product removal
  • Stimulates the skin
  • Promotes vascular response
  • Promotes lymphatic response
  • Increases portability between tissue interfaces

Friction Technique

According to “Frictions are a type of massage which applies force across soft tissue structures. Frictions are an effective technique to break up adhesions, help break down scar tissue and realign tissue fibres.”

Physio-pedia defines it as: “… a massage technique used to increase circulation and release areas that are tight; particularly around joints and where there are adhesions within the muscles or tendons. Friction is defined as “an accurately delivered penetrating pressure applied through fingertips.” 

Benefits of the Friction Technique:

  • Recover from muscle strains
  • Break down adhesions
  • Break down scar tissue
  • Restore flexibility
  • Speed up recovery
  • Realign new scar tissue
  • Stimulates blood flow
  • Heal ligament lesions


The duration is dependent on injury or issue and should be discussed before booking in.

To find out more please leave us an enquiry and we will be in touch within 24h to discuss further.

Payments to be made upfront

Appointments maybe cancelled or rearranged provided a minimum of 24 hours notice is given otherwise session fee will be charged.