Just by spending as little as 30 minutes, HIIT offers superior benefits that aren’t possible with more intense workout sessions. That is why it has become very popular in recent years.


Increased Calorie Burn:

Generally, people prefer aerobic workouts to burn calories. But, as the intensity in aerobic workouts remains constant throughout the session, HIIT is better for burning calories. This characteristic of HIIT makes it an effective choice for individuals aiming for weight loss.

HIIT elevates calorie burn by raising your basal metabolic rate (BMR). The BMR represents the calories your body naturally burns for essential functions such as blood circulation, digestion, and respiration, which are necessary for survival.


Improved Cardiovascular Fitness:

High-intensity interval training improves cardiovascular health because it positively affects resting blood pressure and heart rate reserve. It involves transitioning between aerobic and anaerobic states.

During anaerobic intervals, your heart rate is pushed to 80% or even higher than its maximum heart rate (MHR). In comparison, during moderate-intensity exercise, the heart rate typically remains between 50% and 70% of MHR. This fluctuation between aerobic and anaerobic states in HIIT contributes to the cardiovascular benefits it offers.


Reduced Risk of Diabetes:

HIIT prevents episodes of low blood sugar, reducing the risk of diabetes. Moreover, it proves beneficial for individuals diagnosed with diabetes as it helps prevent hypoglycemic incidents.

The shorter duration of HIIT sessions makes it particularly advantageous for individuals with diabetes. Longer exercise sessions can potentially pose health risks, such as cardiac problems or fluctuations in blood sugar levels.


Greater Muscle Strength and Endurance

HIIT enhances muscle strength and endurance. Developing strong muscles not only makes daily tasks like carrying heavy grocery bags or lifting children/grandchildren easier but also improves overall physical performance. Endurance is particularly beneficial for activities that require sustained effort over longer periods, such as mowing the yard.

Combining HIIT with a strength training regimen further amplifies its effectiveness. The combination of HIIT and strength training leads to significant improvements in strength. This combination also enhances squat endurance, allowing individuals to perform the exercise for a longer duration.

Getting Started with HIIT:

Consult with a Professional:

It is important to contact a licensed fitness professional or personal trainer before commencing any new exercise regimen. Based on your requirements, they will prepare a HIIT plan.


Warm-Up and Cool-Down:

Warm-up before every HIIT session is important to prepare your muscles and joints. Similarly, after your workout, cool down with static stretching to enhance flexibility and aid in recuperation.


Start Slowly and Progress Gradually:

Start with shorter intervals and lower intensity if you’re new to HIIT. Increase the time and intensity of your high-intensity intervals progressively as your fitness level improves, while keeping perfect form and listening to your body’s cues.


Allow for Recovery:

Rest and recovery are essential for reaping the full advantages of HIIT. Give enough time to your body to rest sessions and avoid over-training.

HIIT has become a popular training option for people with tight schedules due to its efficient and effective approach. You may implement HIIT into your exercise program and reap the benefits it has to offer by following proper instructions and progressively improving.