Abhiraj Perikilamkattil





  • HIIT training
  • Fat loss
  • Muscle building
  • Weight loss
  • Own body weight exercise
  • Nutrition advice


  • Feltham
  • hounslow
  • Ashford
  • Hanworth
  • Sunbury
  • Cranford
  • Heathrow
  • Isleworth
  • Bedfont
  • Hatton
  • Staines


    I adopt very client centered approach where your goals and likes/dislikes are the forefront of your training, working with me I hope to educate you not only the various exercise and nutrition, but also help build confidence in yourself and promote healthy lifestyle changes that you can maintain for the rest of your life. Its all about balance and enjoying what you do. Training with me involves getting results and having fun as we go.


    Name: Robert Hubert

    After breaking my back about a year ago, I had no strength in my upper body. I was looking around on the internet for a personal trainer. Lawrence Wilcox stood out from all the others. After looking at his website and reading up on all his testimonials, he looked promising and decided to give it ago.

    We couldn’t do much to start of with as I am in a wheel chair and was very weak.The first few sesions we had were trial and error as i didnt know what I was capable of but lawrence helped me all the way. As each session went on I was getting stronger and stronger. Lawrence is a very reliable personal trainer who definately knows his stuff and is fantastic to work with. I have gained so much confidence in myself now I have even joined my local gym to do a little bit myself when lawrence isnt with me.

    He’s not only a great personal trainer but a great mate. After 9 Months of training, going through my rehabilitation stage I feel amazing and didnt think I would be back to the strength I was before i had broken my back. Thanks for your help and support Lawrence.

    Name: Karl Hollinshead

    His tips on nutrition have helped me to lose weight but keep my lean muscle mass. I had struggled for years to find some motivation, going through small phases of ‘YES, gym time! I’m going to be so healthy’, but in the end I just went back to being how I was; not motivated at all. Mr. Wilcox has been able to motivate me fully to achieve my goals, and so far I’ve not had a bad session yet. He’s able to advise me on nutrition, workout routines and what kind of training is best for my needs. I couldn’t of asked for more, and best of all, he comes to you! Training with Lawrence Wilcox is an investment in your future, don’t let your future self down.

    Let’s Work Together